Water management policy

2013. 12. 10. 18:46 자료공유/물, 인간의 최소한의 권리

In the class, a professor assigned the students to homework that what do you want to if you were a president or director of water management department.

If I were a president of country, I am going to carry out the policy in a practical manner according to two main purposes; first one is to reduce water consumption. The other thing is to promote installation of Rainwater Utilization System (RUS)

1. Reduction of water consumption 


Strengthen progressive tax

As you know from figures below, major companies like Coca-cola, Starbucks and Samsung are using a large amount of water in their own field. However, there are a little difference between individuals and big companies when it comes to water utility bill. In view of equality, it should be considered to divide existing tax law into more specific range. By doing this, Big companies should not only get stressed for reducing water consumption but also pay more when a percentage of water increase. 

                                           Fig. 1 amount of water in major companies

Use water saving devices

We can reduce water consumption by using water saving devices. Especially, many people are using a large percentage of water in LPCD (Liter Per Capita Day) in bathroom. That is, it is more better to install water saving devices on faucets and shower-heads.

                    Fig. 2 water saving device                                      Source: http://gulfnews.com                        

2. Promote installation of RUS through legislation of law

Installation obligation

By legislating rainwater management law, Government demand citizens should install rainwater facilities in newly building. And also They should follow the standards suggested by Government. If they can't meet the standards, they will be given penalty from local government located in each district.

Issue certificate for RUS 

If those who is mandatory to install RUS finish construction, they can request for certificate to each government. When establish RUS meets standards, local government will issue them certificate. 

These kind of policies may help achieve two main purposes I suggested.  

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